ACCE Training
Membership Statistics in Dynamic Chamber Benchmarking
In this Membership Development Division webinar, learn how to access membership statistics such as retention, market penetration, dues investments, and more, using Dynamic Chamber Benchmarking. This ACCE survey platform is free for all ACCE members and available 24/7.
Video Presentation
Stop Selling Chamber Membership and Start Selling Chamber Solutions
This Webinar is the result of several conversations I had at the ACCE Conference in Los Angeles. Many that attended my workshop needed help with successfully selling more memberships. Join us and we will walk you through the essentials as to how you can stop selling memberships and start focusing on the solutions the Chamber might provide.
Video Presentation
Value Added Benchmarking
ACCE Webinar: Effective Chamber Dashboard Reports
Like a vehicle dashboard, an organization’s dashboard report provides a visual display of key performance measures. Learn how chambers of commerce are creating and using dashboard reports to provide concise and timely information to their staffs and boards. We’ll discuss different types of dashboard reports and dashboard creation tools to help measure chamber performance, set goals, and track changes in financial and programmatic functions.