An easy and concise cheat sheet on the Robert’s Rules of Order for running official meetings.
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Coalition of Filipino American Chambers of Commerce - COFACC
Coalition of Filipino American Chambers of Commerce
An easy and concise cheat sheet on the Robert’s Rules of Order for running official meetings.
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This is a fantastic guide on best practices for leveraging technology streamline chamber revenue. This guide presents a different perspective to take during this unprecedented shift in the way the world in now forced to conduct itself.
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This is a full, original public domain guide explaining the Robert’s Rules of Order when conducting official proceedings across all levels of government, including chambers of commerce and business association board meetings. This helpful guide will ensure fair conduct and expectations of official proceedings.
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A reference guide for onboarding new members to your chamber. This guide was presented by John Swing during our Strategic Planning meeting. The guide was created by the Chamber Masters group.
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