Learn these pointers on how to position your chamber/non profit organization to be fundable.
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Coalition of Filipino American Chambers of Commerce - COFACC
Coalition of Filipino American Chambers of Commerce
Learn these pointers on how to position your chamber/non profit organization to be fundable.
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All you need to know when joining the Chamber. Here is the By-Laws template of the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce.
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This is a sample Strategic Plan report document a chamber could use as a template for their own chambers. It is important that each Chamber leadership team will commit itself to undergo this process at least once a year and to ensure that all the discussions on goals, strategies and agreed plans of action are documented in a concise and systematic manner.
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This is a sample By Laws document a chamber could use as a template for their own chamber by laws.
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This glossary is an accompaniment document for the Step-by-Step Guide to Chartering Your Chamber. It provides detailed list and timeline of execution for the various steps discussed herein to the main guide.
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