Dylan serves as the founding President of the West Hawaii Filipino Chamber of Commerce with a diverse background in full-time ministry, media production, and the hospitality industry. Today, he is a private coach and consultant (dylanandrion.com), partnering with individuals and businesses to develop their leadership skills and teams, optimize their media and branding, and to execute special projects. As a certified speaker, trainer, and coach, for leadership expert and best-selling author John Maxwell, Dylan has been able to introduce organizations to enriching titles such as, “Developing the Leader Within You,” “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, “Becoming A Person of Influence,” and many more. Dylan lives in Waikoloa, Hawaii with his wife Rachel and three children Elsie Grace, Eli Graysen, and Ezren Zayn. They love to travel and do so frequently including to clients located on the other Hawaiian islands. Their passions are for family, creativity, and discipleship— especially in connecting others to their God given purpose! The Andrions are heavily involved in the ministry and recently moved to the Big Island to help with the planting of a new church in Kona. Dylan has served previously as an Executive Board Member of COFACC, representing the Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce. He is excited to return to the board, now representing the west side of the Big Island (also known as Hawaii Island).